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~ by Frank Quainoo

“All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord” Psalm 22:27a (NIV)

The heart of God is to have His many sons turn back to Him, their Father. God the Father calls us as missionaries to get to the ends of the earth with a simple mission, which is to reach out to His prodigal sons and daughters. These are sons and daughters who have forgotten who they are and what they can become. Our mission and objective are to help them remember God. If only the sons and daughters can remember, they can reclaim who and what they are in God – experiencing the blessedness of His embrace. God the Father is calling on them to remember His loving kindness and mercy which are new every morning.

There are many things the devil brings against these prodigal sons and daughters to get them to forget God totally. The devil is doing everything in his ability to get us to lose the ability to remember God. If you can forget and not remember God, he has achieved his objective. We read how in the Garden of Eden, he did everything to get Adam and Eve to forget God as the provider of all that they can ever be in need of. They failed to remember the God who had given them all things because the devil made them think a fruit can give them something God cannot give them.

Today, many Christians have failed to remember the God who is able to give them all they need for life and godliness. They are seriously chasing other things and have forgotten God. We must remember what God is able to do for us and with us if we want to remain a member of His household. King Saul failed to remember God when he got the supreme authority, wealth, children, wives, promotion, victories, etc. He did not remember God because he no longer saw himself as small in his own eyes. This failure to remember God took away his membership in God. God is the kingdom we are the members of that kingdom. We must consciously maintain our membership in God through remembrance. Preaching and teaching are to get us to remember God all the time. However, as we drift and become preoccupied with things we lose opportunities to remember God. The world today is wired to ensure men forget God but as children of God, we will lose our membership in God when we allow ourselves to lose all the opportunities to remember Him.

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; Ecclesiastes 12:1 (KJV)

In this ministry, we are being offered the opportunity to remember God in our youth. There are going to be evil days ahead in this world so we need to make these opportunities being offered count. Knowing God is not enough if you will not remember Him later in life. You need to master the discipline of how to remember God in all things. EYO offers you the great privilege to master this discipline of remembrance.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, to remember means to recall from one’s memory or to memorize something. But Psalm 22:27 gives a better definition for us as a missions organisation. In no attempt to give a conclusive definition, to remember is to turn to God wholeheartedly. It is to re-member in God – becoming part of God again. Whenever we remember God, we literally renew our membership in God. That is why the devil will never want you to remember but continue to forget God. The prodigal son renewed his membership in God the very moment he remembered his father.

The Scriptures teaches that even God is not unrighteous to forget. It will be counted as unrighteousness when we fail to remember in God. As missionaries, we must go all out to help others re-member in God their father. In this is our mission objective as missionaries, that “all the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord” Psalm 22:27a (NIV)

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Accra, Ghana

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