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~ By Ato Manful

We’ve all had to wait eagerly for something before: waiting for an exam result, waiting for feedback after an interview, waiting for money that has been promised you, waiting for the lady to say yes to the proposal, waiting for your husband to come home to tell him he will soon be a father.

What do you do when you are waiting? Pray, sleep, get busy so you can be distracted, check your phone a trillion times to see if that message has popped up, be anxious, fret or bite your nails…? I’ve done all that before and you probably have too.

But what should we really do when we are waiting? David, the shepherd-giant-slayer-king, gives some good counsel. He says: Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14. Since David waited for thirteen years to become king after being anointed his word is probably credible.

Wait for the Lord

As a ministry, we have three big dreams for this year. We want to have effective and efficient systems for doing what we do, we want to clean up our finances and get more financial partners, and we want to have a thriving online presence. For all these to work, we need the Lord to come through for us BIG TIME.

Be Strong

While we wait we are going to do what we can do: Pray and work our socks off. We are going to push hard. We are going to take trips outside our comfort zone. We are going to be courageous and keep trying. Our strength is in surrender.

Take Heart

Like David, we know the odds are against us. We are surrounded by skepticism on every side, the enemy has drawn the battle lines for young people and the season we are in is hard. Yet, we will keep believing.

Wait for the LORD

EYO, a youth ministry, is twenty-six going twenty-seven. We have had years where it has been tough. We have had people who have sacrificed so much to get us to where we are—some you know, some you don’t. While we wait, we do so in thanksgiving for those gallant frontrunners. While we wait, we will keep trying and keep believing. God is going to come through, I know it. We trust in His timing. EYO 2.0 is ahead of us. It is a new wave.

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Excellent Youth Outreach

10 Nikoi St,
Accra, Ghana

T:055 863 1504